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Argo Platform & Apps Terms of Use

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your rights and obligations regarding the use of Argo’s Software (“Software”) and service (both collectively referred to as the “Service”) on the Internet or in cellular media. These Terms constitute a fully binding agreement between Argo Group Pty Ltd. (including its affiliates and subsidiaries, “Argo” or “We”) the proprietor of all rights in and to the Service, and you. It is therefore recommended that you carefully read these Terms.


By using the Argo Service, you signify your assent to these Terms;

  • Argo’s Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”); and

  • Argo’s Use Agreement (“Use Agreement”)

  • Argo’s Payment and Refund Policy (“Payment Agreement”)

all of which are an integral part of these Terms and can be found at


If you do not agree to these Terms or any of its parts, then you are prohibited and must refrain from using all and any Argo Service.


Key Points

The following information is to be read in conjunction with and in addition to our other policy documents such as those listed above and should not supersede or be at the detriment to those documents.


  • Road information prevails. The information provided by the Service is not intended to replace the information provided on the road, such as travel direction, time-based restrictions, lane restrictions, road blockades, traffic signs, traffic lights, police instructions, etc.

  • Cautious driving. Always drive vigilantly according to road conditions and in accordance with traffic laws. It is strictly forbidden to send updates, or to non-verbally interact with the Service or use the Service in a non-verbal manner for any purpose other than navigation while driving.

  • Non-continuous updates. A lot of the information provided by the Service originates from other users of the Service. Such information is intrinsically fluctuant and may be inaccurate, incomplete or outdated. Argo does not provide any warranties to such information’s credibility or reliability.

  • Location-based Service. Some features of the Service make use of detailed location and route information, for example in the form of GPS signals and other information sent by your mobile device on which the Argo application is installed and activated. These features cannot be provided without utilising this technology. Please note, as described in detail in the Privacy Policy.

  • Argo uses your location and route information to create a detailed route history of all of your journeys made when using the Service, notify our customers of your arrival and departure from a site including your location whilst on shift, as well as inform your security company of your work history and location. Argo uses this history to offer the Service to you and its customers, to improve the quality of the Service it offers to you and to all of its users as detail in the Privacy Policy. This history is associated with your account and username. This history is retained by Argo for a limited period of time and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  • The Internet connection required to use the Service, and any associated charges (e.g. mobile data expenses) incurred by your use of the Service are your exclusive responsibility and made solely at your expense. Transmitting and receiving real-time updates to and from the Service, requires an online (e.g. Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 5G) connection between your cellular device and the Internet. The expenses of such connection are as prescribed by the agreement between you and your communication service provider (such as your cellular company), and according to its applicable terms of payment.

  • Your age. The Service is intended for use by users who are of the legal age required to hold a driving and security license. In any case, to use our Service you must be 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18, you may not download or use the Service. Accounts of users under the age of 18 years identified by Argo will be cancelled and deleted by Argo, upon receiving notice.

  • Privacy. Your privacy is important to us. While using the Service, personal information may be provided by You or collected by Argo as detailed in our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy explains our practices pertaining to the use of your personal information and we ask that you read this policy carefully. By accepting these Terms, you hereby acknowledge and agree to the collection, storage and use of your personal information by Argo, subject to this section, the Privacy Policy and any applicable laws and regulation.


Using the Service

You may use the Service solely for private and personal purposes. You may not use the Service commercially. For example, you may not:

  1. offer to third parties a service of your own that uses the Service or allow another person to utilise your Argo account;

  2. (ii) resell the Service;

  3. (iii) offer to rent or lease the Service; or

  4. (iv) offer the Service to the public via communication or integrate it within a service of your own, without the prior written consent of Argo. For clarity, the examples listed are made for illustrative purposes only; they do not constitute an exhaustive list of restricted activities involving the Service.

You may not copy, print, save or otherwise use data from the Site or the Service’s database. This clause does not limit the use of the database as intended by the Software and for the purposes of private and personal use of the Service.


When using the Service or the Site you may not engage in scraping, data mining, harvesting, screen scraping, data aggregating, and indexing. You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Site or the Service’s database for any purpose without the express prior written permission of Argo.


The Software may not be used in any way that is not expressly permitted by these Terms.


Customer Payment / Contesting Payment

You understand that use of the Argo Services may result in charges to you for the services you receive from a Third Party Provider (“Third Party Charges”). After you have received services obtained through your use of the Argo Service, Argo or one of its affiliates will facilitate your payment of the applicable. All charges will be inclusive of applicable taxes where required by law. All charges paid by you are final and non-refundable, unless otherwise determined by Argo.


Once the service has been provided and deemed complete, you will be notified by Argo and you will have 12 hours to adjust the number of hours provided to you by the service provider or contest the charges in general. This can be done by contacting Argo in writing at and outlining the nature of your complaint and the charges you wish to clarify / contest.


If you have not notified or contacted Argo in that time, consent will be inferred and payment will be facilitated by Argo or an Argo affiliate / payment gateway using the preferred payment method designated in your Account, after which you will be sent a receipt. If your primary Account payment method is determined to be expired, invalid or otherwise not able to be charged, you agree that Argo may use a secondary payment method in your Account, if available.



You may elect to cancel your request for services from a Third Party Provider at any time prior to such Third Party Provider’s arrival, in which case you may be charged a cancellation fee (see ‘Payment & Refund Policy). If the services are cancelled for any reason not attributed to you in accordance with Argo’s cancellation policies, you may be entitled to a refund for any charges paid.

If any services provided by a Third Party Provider fail or are cancelled for reasons that Argo determines, acting reasonably, are attributed to you as the customer (for example, you provided an incorrect address), you will be charged a fee no more than the full price for the services purchased from the Third Party Provider. If any services provided by a Third Party Provider fail or are cancelled for any reason that Argo determines, acting reasonably, are not attributed to you, you may be entitled to a refund for any charges paid for those delivery services.

If you require a correction to be made to any Third Party Charge you incurred, you must notify Argo in writing within 12 hours after the Third Party Charge was completed, after which Argo will have no further responsibility and you waive your right to later dispute the amounts charged.

If you still wish to contest the payment or services provided after this 12 hour period, you will have to contact and discuss this with the individual third party service provider.


Use Restrictions

There are certain types of conduct that are strictly prohibited on the Service. Please read the following restrictions carefully. Your failure to comply with the provisions set forth below may result (at Argo’s sole discretion) in the termination of your access to the Service and may also expose you to civil and/or criminal liability.


You may not, whether yourself or through any other means or person:


1. copy, modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any portion of the Content included in the Service and/or Site, or in any way or publicly display, perform, or distribute them;

(ii) make any use of the Content on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose, or replicate or copy the Content without Argo’s prior written consent;

(iii) create a browser or border environment around the Content (e.g. no frames or inline linking);

(iv) interfere with or violate any third party or other user’s right to privacy or other rights, including copyrights and any other intellectual property rights of others, or harvest or collect personal information about visitors or users of the Service and/or Site without their express consent, including using any robot, spider, site search or retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, or data-mine;

2. defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights of others, including others’ copyrights, and other intellectual property rights;

(vi) transmit or otherwise make available in connection with the Service and/or Site any virus, worm, Trojan Horse, time bomb, web bug, spyware, or any other computer code, file, or program that may or is intended to damage or hijack the operation of any hardware, software, or telecommunications equipment, or any other actually or potentially harmful, disruptive, or invasive code or component;

(vii) interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Service and/or Site, or the servers or networks that host the Service and/or Site or make the Service and/or Site available, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of such servers or networks;

(viii) sell, license, or exploit for any commercial purposes any use of or access to the Content and/or the Service and/or Site;

(ix) frame or mirror any part of the Service and/or Site without Argo’s prior express written authorization;

(x) create a database by systematically downloading and storing all or any of the Content from the Service and/or Site;

(xi) forward any data generated from the Service and/or Site without the prior written consent of Argo;

(xii) transfer or assign your Service accounts’ password, even temporarily, to a third party;

(xiii) use the Service and/or Site for any illegal, immoral or unauthorised purpose;

(xiv) use the Site, the Service, or the Content for non-personal or commercial purposes without Argo’s express prior written consent; or

(xv) infringe or violate any of these Terms.


Termination of Use of The Service

You may terminate your use of the Service at any time and for whatever reason. You are not obligated to advise Argo of such termination. However, if you would also like for Argo to delete your Argo account and your personal information contained in the account, please email us at On receiving such a request, Argo will use reasonable efforts to delete such information, however please note that information may not be deleted immediately from our back-up systems. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Argo retains the right to block your access to the Service and discontinue your use of the Service, at any time and for any reason Argo deems appropriate, at its sole and absolute discretion.


User Content

The Service allows all users of the Software to submit and post information and content to other users (“Content”). Content is separate from third party sponsored advertisements that may appear on the Service. Content can include, for example, security requirements, chat function, pay rates, personal information, etc. You assume sole responsibility for any content you post and you alone are liable for the consequences when you post Content.


When using the Argo app, always drive vigilantly according to road conditions and in accordance with traffic laws. It is strictly forbidden to send any content while driving. Your content submissions may only be sent after you have stopped your vehicle in an appropriate location permitted by law. Alternatively, content may be sent by a passenger other than the driver, provided it does not interfere with the due course of driving and does not distract the driver.


Forbidden Posts

It is forbidden to submit Content of a commercial nature (including advertising), unless such posts pertain to Argo, the Service, or Argo’s products, and such Content strictly complies with these Terms.


When you submit Content to be published by the Service, you must make sure it is lawful. For example, you may not submit Content that:


  • is diminishing or infringing proprietary rights of others, including but not limited to copyright and trade marks; poses a risk to a person’s

  • safety, security or health; identifies other persons without obtaining such person’s express written consent to the disclosure of their personal

  • information, or pertains to minors and identifies minors or their personal information, including their full name, age, address or contact information;

  • is unlawful, defamatory, libellous or invades the privacy of others; is harassing, offensive, threatening or vulgar; is characterised by, or that

  • encourages racism or unlawfully discriminates on the basis of race, origin, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, occupation, sexual orientation, illness, physical or mental disability, faith, political view or socio-economical class;

  • encourages criminal behaviour or conduct that would constitute a criminal offence under any law, or could give rise to civil liability or other lawsuit;

  • promotes pyramid schemes, chain letters or disruptive commercial messages or advertisements, or anything else prohibited by law or under these Terms;

  • falsely expresses or implies that such content is sponsored or endorsed by Argo.


The foregoing examples of unlawful Content are made solely for illustrative purposes and do not constitute an exhaustive list of restricted Content.


Argo may decline to publish, or immediately delete any Content you submit if you or the Content have violated these Terms or if you engaged in a commission or omission that is harmful or may be harmful to the Service, its users, Argo or any of its agents or affiliates. In such cases, Argo may also terminate your access to the Service or prevent you from posting additional Content on the Service. The provisions of this clause are made in addition to any rights afforded to Argo by any law.


Rights In Content

When you submit Content to be published on the Service, you represent and warrant that you own all intellectual property rights in the Content; that you are permitted to publish the Content and to permit Argo to publish the Content and exploit all intellectual property rights in and to the Content. Argo receives no ownership rights in and to the Content that you submit. However, by submitting Content to Argo, you hereby grant Argo and the users of the Service an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable and transferable license to use, copy, distribute, prepare derivative works, display in public and publicly perform the Content. The license granted to Argo in and to the Content you submit is not limited to personal use, but also extends to any commercial use of Content, at Argo’s sole and absolute discretion. However, other users may only use your Content for non-commercial purposes, unless Argo provides them with a prior written consent to use your Content for commercial purposes (for the purpose of which you authorise Argo to be your agent).


Examination Of Content

Argo may examine the Content before or after its publication, prevent publication of inappropriate or otherwise inadequate or erroneous Content, or remove such Content after its publication. Argo does not normally utilise its right to monitor Content and does so only in rare cases.


Argo retains sole discretion in determining which Content will be published, the duration of its publication, its location, how and when it appears on the Service, its design and any other matter pertaining to the publication of Content within the Service. Argo does not guarantee that all Content will be published, in general or for any limited time.

Content submitted by users for publication does not reflect the views of Argo. Publishing Content does not warrant its validity, reliability, accuracy, legality or it being up to date.



All intellectual property rights in and to the Site, the Service and its database, including copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, patents and trade secrets – are either the exclusive property of Argo or its affiliates or are exclusively licensed to Argo.

“Argo”, the Argo logo, and other trade and/or service marks are the property of Argo or its affiliates and you may not use such logos or marks for any purpose that is not expressly authorised in these Terms without the prior written consent of Argo.


The design, trade dress, and the ‘look and feel’ of the Site and the Service are protected works under applicable copyright laws and Argo and its affiliates retain all intellectual property rights in them. The Software license granted to you in these Terms does not extend to or include a license to use the anything displayed on the Software or any mark, indicator, logo or notation embedded in the maps that are displayed on the Software. You may not copy or print more than one copy of any data or material appearing on the Site.


Argo may protect the Service by technological means intended to prevent unauthorised use of the Service. You undertake not to circumvent these means. Without derogating from Argo’s rights under these Terms or under any applicable law, you are advised that any attempted or actual infringement of this provision will result in the termination of all your rights under these Terms. If you circumvent any of the means taken by Argo to protect the Service from unauthorised use, you must immediately cease any and all use of the Service, and you undertake to do so.


Limitation Of Liability and Warranty

Argo provides the service and content included therein for use on an “as is” and “as available” basis. They cannot be customised to fulfil the needs of each and every user. We hereby disclaim all warranties and representations, either express or implied, with respect to the service, including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose, features, quality, non-infringement, title, compatibility, performance, security, or accuracy.


Additionally, and without derogating from the above clause, Argo disclaims any warranties relating to the accuracy of information presented or displayed in or by the Service, for example information entered onto the service by another user or a third party or users who may submit faulty or inaccurate Content or reports. Such errors and omissions are inherent to any community-based service that operates on users’ posts and on the information provided by them.


You agree and acknowledge that you assume full, exclusive and sole responsibility for the use of and reliance on the Service, and you further agree and acknowledge that your use of or reliance on the Service is made entirely at your own risk. You further acknowledge that it is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws (including traffic laws) while using the Service.


Argo exerts efforts to provide you with a high quality and satisfactory service. However, We do not warrant that the Service will operate in an uninterrupted or error-free manner, or that it will always be available or free from all harmful components, or that it is safe, secured from unauthorised access to Argo’s computers, immune from damages, free of malfunctions, bugs or failures, including, but not limited to hardware failures, Software failures and Software communication failures, originating either in Argo or any of its providers.


Argo, including its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, sub-contractors and agents will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage, or any other damage, and loss (including loss of profit and loss of data), costs, expenses and payments, either in tort, contractual, or in any other form of liability, arising from, or in connection with the use of, or the inability to use the service, or from any failure, error, or breakdown in the function of the service, or from any fault, or error made by our staff or anyone acting on its behalf, or from your reliance on the content of the service, including, without limitation, content originating from third parties, or from any communication with the service, or with other users on or through the service, or from any denial or cancellation of your user account, or from retention, deletion, disclosure and any other use or loss of your content on the service. In any event, your sole remedy will be limited to correcting such errors, or malfunctions, and in light of the relevant circumstances.


Links and Commercial Information in The Software

The Service may include commercial information or advertisements. The Ads may pop up or be displayed on the Service maps from time to time. Argo may post Ads on the Service but more often than not this service will be ad free. The source of any such Ads is from a third party, and as such, Argo cannot and does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of third party Ads. Argo does not endorse the content of third party Ads. Additionally and without derogating from the previous sentence, Argo will not be liable for any form of liability arising from your reliance on, or in connection with, the use of the content of Ads posted on the Service.


It is underscored that the advertising of commercial content by Argo does not constitute a recommendation or encouragement to procure the goods or services advertised.


Insofar as the Software includes links to services or applications not operated or managed by Argo, Argo will not be liable for any form of liability arising from your reliance on, or in connection with, the content of such services and applications or any information provided by them, including but not limited to its completeness, accuracy, correctness or it being up-to-date. Argo will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, monetary or otherwise, arising from your use of or your reliance on the content of goods or services you have accessed via Ads or other links on the Software.


You must not attempt to view or click on any ads while operating a vehicle. You alone are responsible for driving responsibly, and you acknowledge and agree that in the event that you violate the forgoing provision, the third party advertisers will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage, or any other damage, and loss (including loss of profit and loss of data), costs, expenses and payments, either in tort, contractual, or in any other form of liability, arising from, or in connection with the display of the ads on the service or your viewing of the ads on the service.


Breach and Indemnity

Without derogating from any applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Argo and its employees, officers, directors and agents, as well as all third party advertisers of Ads from and against all claims, damages, expenses, losses and liabilities that arise as a result of your violation of these Terms. In view of the fact that the Service is provided to some users free-of-charge, this indemnity is intended to cover all expenses, payments, loss, loss of profits or any other damage, direct or indirect, monetary or non-monetary, incurred by Argo, its employees, officers, directors or agents as a result of your violation of the Terms, including but not limited to legal expenses and attorney fees.



Argo respects your privacy during your use of the Software and the Service. Our updated privacy policy pertaining to the Software and the Service is readily accessible at our Privacy Policy and is an integral part of these Terms. Since the privacy policy is subject to periodic updates, it is recommended that you periodically review the policy for updates.


Modifications to The Service and Software

Argo may, either partially or in its entirety and without being obligated to provide prior notice – modify, adapt or change the Software, the Service’s features, the user interface and design, the extent and availability of the contents in the Service and any other aspect related to the Service. You will have no claim, complaint or demand against Argo for applying such changes or for failures incidental to such changes.


Termination of Service

Argo may, at any time, terminate the provision of the Service in its entirety or any part thereof, temporarily or permanently, at its sole discretion.


Modifications of These Terms

Argo may modify these Terms from time to time. If fundamental changes are introduced, a notice will be posted in the updated version of the Software. Your continued use of the Service after the Terms have been modified signifies your assent to the updated Terms. If you dissent to the updated Terms or to any term within them, you must discontinue all further use of the Software.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms, the Software and the Service will be governed solely by the laws of Australia, without giving effect to any conflicts of law principles. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of, connected with or relating to these Terms, the Software and the Service, will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court in Sydney, Australia.



Should you desire to file any cause of action against Argo, arising out of or related to the Argo Software or Service, you must do so within one (1) year of the day you become aware of the cause of action. Failure to file a lawsuit within the aforementioned timeframe will bring about the permanent barring of the cause of action, and will constitute your complete and final waiving of the lawsuit.


Assignment of Rights

You may not assign or transfer your rights in and to the Service, without the prior written consent of Argo. Argo may assign its rights in and to the Service to a third party at its sole and absolute discretion, provided that the third party undertakes Argo’s obligations to you under these Terms.


Complete Terms

These Terms, together with the policies that are an integral part of these Terms, namely the Privacy Policy, shall all constitute the entire and complete agreement between you and Argo concerning the Argo Service. In the event of an inconsistency between these Terms and the synopsis of terms presented to the user during Software installation, these Terms shall prevail.


No Legal Relationship

These Terms of Use and your use of the Service, including the submission of Content onto the Service, do not, and shall not be construed as creating any relationship, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency, or franchisor-franchisee relationship in any way and of any kind between the parties hereto. Your use of the Service is intended for your benefit and the provision of the Service to you (subject to your compliance with these Terms) constitutes the sole and sufficient consideration that you are entitled to receive for any Content or other contributions you have made to the Argo Service, its contents, and any other data.


Safe Work Place

You agree to always provide a safe workplace and that includes providing a safe workplace to the services you obtain through the Argo platform. If necessary, you agree to provide a site induction, relevant safety instructions, advise of site WHS policies and procedures and advise of any known hazards to the service providers that arrive as a result of the services you acquire through the Argo platform.


As a user of Argo you always agree to act in a safe manner and report hazards or potential hazards in a timely and responsible manner.


Contact Us

You may contact us concerning any question about the Service, through the channels listed on the “Contact Us” menu in the Software or through the Contact Us portion of our web page. You can also reach us at and we will make our best efforts to address your inquiry promptly.

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